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Privacy policy

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Privacy policy

  • Introduction

    The Privacy policy shall apply when Kabushiki Kaisha AJ1 ("Company") deals with any personal information acquired via this website. A user is deemed agreed that any data he/she provided or registered on this website be dealt with according to the Privacy policy. Please contact us for any questions or opinions on the Privacy policy.

  • Our effort in personal information protection

    Acknowledging that personal information protection is part of the Company's social responsibilities, the Company shall comply with Act on the Protection of Personal Information as well as any other applicable laws and regulations, and be committed to protect personal information based on the following policies.

  • Acquisition of personal information

    The Company shall acquire any personal information appropriately by legitimate means only to the extent necessary for the business. In using this website, users have no obligation to provide their personal information. Only the personal information, such as name, address, Email address, telephone number, etc. of a user, voluntarily provided by the user shall be collected on this website. Any information likely to cause trouble (ex., race, philosophy, criminal record, etc.) shall not be collected on this website. Any collection or use of such information shall be carried out with a user's consent.

  • Purpose of using the information

    Personal information shall be used only for limited purposes that are legitimate in executing the Company's business, such as execution of operation requested by outsourcee, and provision of information to outsourcees on services provided by the Company. Personal information shall not be used for any other purposes. As an exception, however, personal information may be used to compile browsing history on this website of an individual user. When a user sends inquiries or questions about this website, or make reservations on the website, the information may be used to reply to that user.

  • Information disclosure to a third party

    Personal information acquired on this website shall be not usually disclosed to a third party for the purpose of secondary use or for irrelevant purposes without specifically obtaining permission at the time of information acquisition. However, personal information may be disclosed as required to a third party demanding that information in order to comply with statutory supervisory authorities as well as legal and regulatory obligations and requirements.

  • Security control

    The Company shall ensure that personal information is kept and controlled in an accurate and updated condition. The Company shall also take reasonable security control measures for prevention of leakage, etc. In addition, the Company shall appropriately manage and supervise the employees and outsourcees that deal with the personal information. The Company shall immediately and appropriately respond to a request for notification of use purpose and disclosure of details with regard to the retained personal information, as well as for correction, addition, deletion, use suspension, and elimination in case of discrepancy in contents of the retained personal information.

  • Continuing improvement

    The Company shall review the Privacy policy as appropriate in line with the advancement of information technology and changes in societal demand while continually trying to improve the way of dealing with personal information.

  • Changes in Privacy policy

    The Company reserves the right to change Privacy Policy any time for any reason. There is no contractual relationship between the Company and a website user.